In my last post I shared about some things that I've been doing to be more intentional. I thought in this post I would share an update on how some of those things are going.
The first is my Bullet Journal. At this point we are three weeks in to February and I am finding my Bullet Journal invaluable. I had some things that I wanted to keep track of as a way of creating better habits in my life.
Some of the goals I had were:
- Drink more Water
- Read more Intentionally (outside of school)
- Listen to Podcast 1-2 times a week
- Intentional Whitespace
- Naps (yes, I often adult way too much and my body has started to let me know that)
- Eat more Salads
I gave it some thought to how I would count things a success and how I would mark off my daily progress. I found an awesome app for my phone called Waterlogged. It's been a great way for me to track how close I come to my daily goal of 64 oz of water.
I had a really bad habit of clicking on my Facebook app when I am bored or waiting. As I decided to be more intentional one of the things I did was rearrange my phone apps. In the place of the Facebook app where my finger would automatically go, I placed my Waterlogged app. Now I think a lot about how I'm doing on my goal of water intake. At the end of the day if I am within a few ounces of my goal I check it off as a successful day in my Habit Tracker in my Bullet Journal. So far I have met my goal nearly every day and I'm feel much better for it! My default is now water much more often than tea or soda.
The reading is a bit more challenging. Some days I find myself struggling to get through my school work so when you add on caring for a toddler, who is potty training, and an 8 month old it can be trickier. Since I draw the line at counting the ten times I read "Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now" in one night, this one is progressing slightly slower, but I have successfully finished 3 books in the last couple of weeks.
Hollow City
Library of Souls
(Both from Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children)
Breathing Underwater
by Richard Rohr
Most of these I started in January, but I finished them up this month.
At the first of this month I decided to make Podcast part of my monthly Habit Tracker.
I've wanted to listen to podcast for quite a while, but always struggled with how to make that happen. Enter the realization that I can plug my phone in to the USB port in my car and let the podcast play as I am driving. Not a surprise that I can let it play, but hey, in our family we often just plug in the phone to see how many times the toddler wants to here "Gitchee Gitchee Goo" from Phineas and Ferb.
Finally! An adult use for the USB!
This was really important for me after coming back from my personal retreat. I knew coming back I needed to take care of myself better. Taking care of myself means that I am a much better Mommy and Wife to those who live with me every day! I am less cranky. I can do more around the house. Overall, I'm just a better person!
I have definitely developed a better pattern so far this month.
Another day I visited a local nature preserve and just sat on the lake for a short period (it was crazy cold that day!).
Another day I just watched movies I enjoy because I enjoy them at home.
Whitespace looks different for everyone, but it is a way to invest in your relationship with God by doing things that bring you joy.
I know this one sounds a little crazy and lazy, but one thing I have realized is that in the time since Eden was born I have pushed myself entirely too hard. My body was screaming for rest long before I gave it the rest it needed. So I decided to start listening when my body says stop. Now do not assume that because I am tracking it that I nap every day. I don't! I usually do take a few naps a week though just to care for my body.
This was just another goal I made to try to introduce more balance into my diet. I thought that focusing on salads and water at the same time made sense as an easy first step for that.
In addition to my habit tracker I have found the Daily Log a great resource in setting broad goals for myself each day. It give me the flexibility to do it when I am able, but gives me some things that I can focus on for the day. Some days I check everything off. Other days things shift to the next day.
The second thing is we started our Finance Class last weekend.
It is a three week class so we still have two weeks to go, but it has been encouraging! We realized there are a couple of things we need to work on ASAP, but we have the beginnings of a solid foundation to build on. It's kind of nice to know those stupid mistakes from our 20's aren't going to haunt us the rest of our adult lives! The great thing about the timing is that we are doing this right as our tax refund is coming. We get to start being intentional with our tax return! That's a good feeling.
So that's how our Intentional Life is going right now!
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