Only 3% of the world's coffee meets our standards.
As I sit here tonight in a Starbucks that particular phrase on the top shelf of a display catches my attention. Only 3%..... That means that 97% of the coffee produced in the entire world fails to make the cut for this company. For someone who is not a numbers fan those particular numbers are interesting somehow. Maybe it's because I've been contemplating my past a lot lately.
It seems like I've spent a lot of my life feeling like I'm part of some rejected minority. Never the first to be chosen for anything and often feeling like the default solution when I did end up playing a role of any significance. Often times it seems that my belief that I'm less than enough is born out by being replaced by others or having the unneeded information shared of why I wouldn't have been the first choice for a particular role as my inadequacies were laid before me.
I've spent a lot of the last year feeling that sense of rejection. A sense that I was part of a rejected 3% while the other 97% was running full speed ahead toward..... I'm not really sure what they are running toward, but they seem to be running at least while I just feel part of nothing.
But now I find myself thinking only 3%..... And I start to see my perspective change. Starbucks has a reputation. Some would argue it is one of highly priced coffee, but the reality is that they are so particular with their standards that it means they pay more for a premium product therefore they must charge more for that premium product.
Only 3%.... I remember reading a blog post a few months ago suggesting more thought should go into using a particular song in worship. That song happens to be one of my favorite worship songs for the exact reason the post suggested caution. It's a song that offers all of oneself to God. It's a plea for deeper relationship.
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders
Let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour."
So I find myself contemplating that 3% again. What if what others point out as inadequacies are actually the things that God uses to keep me close to Him? What if they are part of His refining process for me? I think one thing I've always realized about myself is that when I'm the most unsure I find myself looking to God the most often. What if the things that separate me from the 97% running a full speed are the very things that are making part of something great that God wants to accomplish? Out of 12 disciples Peter was the only one to get out of the boat. Peter was the one who was willing to go into places where he was out of his depth and his inadequacies were exposed so that Jesus could call him out to great things later.
"What if what others point out as inadequacies are actually the things that God uses to keep me close to Him?"
I love this! And I know exactly what you mean! On first impression, some people would describe me as meek, quiet. And most of the world sees it as a bad thing. However, the Bible says "blessed are the meek..." That perspective always gives me the courage to embrace it instead of always trying to change.
I hope God continues to draw you closer to Him and that you find the beauty in the quirks and traits others call inadequacies.
Tonya, I feel so honored that you would share your soul with us -- such beloved conversation -- love your beloved brew. i can tell you are God's beloved because you are open hearted about your journey. "So I find myself contemplating that 3% again. What if what others point out as inadequacies are actually the things that God uses to keep me close to Him?" I actually would go one step further and say the 3% is what makes you human, real, accessible and will give you opportunity to fill your life with beauty, tenderness and cmpassion -- towards yourself. And that part of you is what makes you accessible to me - to others - while the other 97% are rushing towards goals, achievement and accomplisment. I'm not saying everyone is doing that :)but I guess my encouragement is you are loved as is. And that the parts others might see as weakness in us, God sees as tenderness and availability to be heart connected to Him - and to others. And God has given you a story that includes all parts of you.
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