Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Change.  It's something we look forward to at times and yet dread in other moments.  It's the thing that signifies progress, but it can also be what moves us away from something we need to remember.  

I've really felt the impact of change in the last week as I've watched my baby girl turn one and move from infant to toddler.  It's in me as after a 13 year absence from college I once more begin classes to pursue a bachelors degree. 

As I've observed so many things changing in lives around me I find myself contemplating that word a lot.


Why do we so often want it so badly we go to great lengths to achieve it?  As I look at myself I start to see that often I want change so I don't have to actually deal with something that God is trying to walk me through.  Often dealing with the thing that is in front of me is hard.  It means facing things that I've spent years trying to ignore and it means that I have to go into those places that hurt.  

Know how I know that?  Because I have this awesome husband that won't let me quit these classes I've started.  The last week and a half have been one panic attack after another for me.  
Quiz time?
 Que the panic attack.
  Paper due? 
 Panic attack.
Lengthy reading?
You get the picture.

The reality is I've wanted to quit since day 2, but we keep wrestling through the panic attacks to uncover the reasons that I have test anxiety.  And through that process God is showing me things about myself that I had used frequent change to ignore.  

One thing in my reading for class this week that really stood out to me because of what I'm experiencing in this moment of my life is the moment in Scripture where God changed Jacob's name.  We focus on the part of the story where Jacob wrestles with God all night and then the next morning God tells him his name will not be Jacob any longer it will be Israel.  This time reading through that story looking for things I hadn't noticed before and reading what comes before in the same sitting I was struck by the change that was going on in Jacob all along.  So often I think we tend to go "Oh, God changed Jacob's name and then Jacob was different", but that's not the case at all!  Jacob was letting God change him long before God ever changed his name.  The thing we can easily forget about the night Jacob wrestled with God is that it was the night before he was to meet with the brother who the last time they were together threatened his life.  I'm convinced that God didn't change Jacob's name to change him, but to remind him who he was.  Jacob was already coming back to face his past, but this new name was God's way of reminding him in a very real, very physical way that he wasn't the same man who ran away all of those years ago. 

I'm not an expert, but the thing I'm realizing about myself is that too much change can be me trying to take the easy way out.  I can use the surface change as a distraction to keep me from dealing with the hard things that are going to bring the lasting change.  And so (with the help of that awesome husband I mentioned) as much as it hurts I choose to move through the anxiety and the panic attacks for the slower, substantial change that will lead me to that new identity that God has waiting.

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